Splash Screen Demo =========================================== Copyright (c) 1995 SoftCircuits Programming Redistributed by Permission. The accompanying files show how to create a splash screen in Visual Basic. Actually, 3 methods are shown. SPLASH1.ZIP simply displays a modal splash form and waits for it to close before continuing with program initialization. SPLASH2.ZIP loads a splash screen and then continues with initialization while the splash screen is displayed. Finally, SPLASH3.ZIP uses a small external program to display the splash screen to show another method of continuing initialization while the splash screen is displayed. Also, C_CSOURCE.ZIP includes the C source code for the small external splash screen program. The accompanying files may be used and/or distributed freely on the condition that they are distributed in-full and unchanged, and that no fee is charged for such use and/or distribution with the exception of reasonable shipping and/or media charges. Any portion may also be used as part of your own applications on the condition that your application provides functionality that differs substantially from this demonstration program. Jonathan Wood SoftCircuits P.O. Box 16262 Irvine, CA 92713 CIS: 72134,263